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Hostile Environment Created
by Religious Prothelization


  1. Proselytizing to see to Convert non-Christians to Jesus Christ 

  2. Proselytizing to convert Christians to more extremist, Seventh Day Adventist Church

  3. Raising up her own clout as a Minister/Cult-like  Leader of her Ministry 

  4. Selling her books, mentoring program

  5. Soliciting Tax Free Donations via a Fiscal Sponser, the EYC  (Who may not know this is a Christian ministry?) 

  6. Using Pacifica's resources: campuses, finances, her time and energy that she is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for -- to do all of the above

  7. Raising money and interest in one program she has promoted at the expense of all others, that is wreaking havoc on Pacifica, as she is trying to change everything as quickly as possible to support The Pacifica Soul Promise, while neglecting almost everything else she was charged with attending to. 

    One also needs to know  that this is both an illegal and unethical financial conflict of interest and a gross and harmful ideological one, given Pacifia's mission and the unique demographic of student body and faculty.
Almost every time the President has spoken publically in her capacity of CEO/President, that we have seen, no matter what the topic is, on the grounds of Pacifica Graduate Institute or behalf of PGI in the wider community (Journey Week, Chamber of Commerce, NAACP event, Conferences, etc.) she has solicited audience members to read/purchase her Christian Evangelical/Seventh Day Adventist books, conversion materials and mentoring program that is all part of her self-described ministry. She does this by masterfully "weaving" her personal trauma story into the topic, mentioning her Grandmother's quilting of garbage scraps into a tapestry, , then introducing her "The Thread, LLC" system (ministry) , and imploring people to buy her books or go to her sites where they can find her/them. She does this when she speaks at events representing Pacifica on campus, and when in her official capacity in the outer community. 


What is so insidious about this is people who hear her for the first or second time do this may have no idea that she is grooming audiences for later conversion attempts. This is a standard Evangelical/Seventh Day Adventist Rhetorical technique called "Testifying": 
It happens in three parts: 1) Share Trauma story and how life was a mess (child abuse, relationship problems, domestic or sexual violence, overweight, health problems 2) Share how Jesus Saved their lives 3) Insist Jesus will save YOUR life too. 

In front of audiences who will be hostile to this message (most at Pacifica) She does part 1 and then explains about the Thread, but instead of calling it her "Christian ministry" and talking about Christ, she just pleads for people to go to her websites. (And if they do, they might be drawn in further.) 


However, when she speaks on a Christian-leaning Podcast, to other Christians, in her capacity of President, she goes into full blown, explicit "Testifying" and doesn't hold back. She still shares her "The Thread" and encourages audiences to go there and join her and accept Jesus as her Savior. 

IF she was not intentionally hiding the fact that she is a  Christian fundamentalist, Seventh Day Adventist Minister -- she wouldn't be using two different strategies for two different audiences. 

It’s the same pattern as in this video that she made in 2020, before Pacifica.

Listen around 30 minutes in. She states she wants to convert MILLIONS of people to accept Jesus as Their Savior.

It’s the same pattern of most evangelicals: it’s called “Testifying”. Part 1: She tells about her Trauma. Part 2 Mentions “The Thread” (Grandma’s quilt is the transition) and 3: a (when it’s covert, to audiences initially hostile to Christianity) Tells you to go to her books and materials called “The Thread — where you will end up at “accept Jesus” as your savior, or b) (when it’s a friendly audience to her mission) says immediately after the trauma story how Jesus saved her and finally 4) Jesus will save you too!

She always talks about weaving and she is a masterful weaver herself! Because she does this IN THE MIDDLE of even a talk about Jung and Technology.

And yes she is getting better at reading things outloud about Pacifica and Depth Psychology and weaving Christianity into it— and getting bolder doing so.

Do you suppose she was on the clock — getting paid as the President— when she made this video???

Finally, one has to consider the IMPACTS of what she is doing. I will outline those in a bit.

But one has to listen carefully to the entire videos. This takes time. It is hopeless unless people in power will do this or we can be believed.

I repeat: to get the severity of this one needs to see the patterns. She does this everytime she speaks. Plus how in almost every Pacifica post going back to March there was an @LeonieMattisonofficial and a #LeonieMattison linking to her Personal FB page that had the spread of all her books at the top. And she inserts herself on nearly every pacifica announcement — and is talking about THE Thread everywhere… but to Pacifica crowds she refers to it as her “Mentoring Program”— still directing people there— when it is a Ministry, as this page on her website shows: — this is a time line of her ministry. Look where it ends. She obtains a fiscal sponsor, the EYC.

Guess who gives a lot of money to her fiscal sponsor?.
The Santa Barbara Foundation.

The Santa Barbara foundation is the fiscal sponsor she obtained for the Pacifica Soul Promise — which is the only program at Pacifica she has been promoting for the two years that she has been there— and it is the excuse for restructuring most of Pacifica; rebranding, hiring diverse faculty (who will not have backgrounds in Depth Psychology most likely) at the neglect of almost everthing else she was suppose to be doing:
—failing to Fulfilling promises of Omnebusman process faculty and admin committed to… two years ago, not a thing done Until 35 faculty and over 100 counseling students complained, and the Alumni Association said they would reveal these complaints to thousands of alums!
—Failing to staff and keep open Opus archives (until recently forced to do so by an attorney after Margot Hillman threatened to sue.) 
—Forcing resignations of the most powerful faculty and administrators who hold the history of PGI -- Including the Chairs of the Clinical Psychology and Counseling Psychology programs -- the largest two programs and those whose programs lead to licensure.
— Failing to promote much other  than "Pacifica Soul Promise" -- which has not even undergone the scrutiny of a Feasibility Study.
— Planning n letting Lambert Campus go, as specified in her 2025-2030 Stategic plan  (severing all historical ties and ties with Pacifica’s founder— and creating an excuse to take PGI almost entirely online)

Guess what the mission is of her fiscal sponser? It is to give full ride scholarships to disadvantaged black students in SB county. What is the intent of the Pacifica Soul Promise? It is to give 1500 full ride scholarships to disadvantaged minorities in SB county. This is also in alighnment with her Church, which as missionaries they have always targeted (and yes, helped) the poorest and most traumatized. They need it AND they are easiest to convert. 


 (Yet, with all her focus, she has failed to raise any money, as of September, 2024, according to the SBF.)

Meanwhile, Pacifica’s mission and most stakeholders already here has been neglected. She is using PGI’s platform and resources to further her own mission.
All of this is a HUGE conflict of Interest, to the point it is likely not only unethical but illegal.

Pacifica is on the path to becoming her. She is a fantatical evangelical minister who in the second video above— listen from 30 minutes in until the end— seeks to convert millions to accept Jesus as their savior.

And as she goes on— at a very quick rate, she is muddling Pacifica with Christianity. So much so that people checking out Pacifica for the first time will google Pacifica and end up at her fanatical praise Jesus Christianity and think this is all of what Pacifica is. She is rebranding it pretty single handedly and very effectively by dominating the Internet! She links pacifica to all her personal stuff and back again and she is mostly only one doing interviews and publically speaking.

The Board of Directors did nothing to provide oversight or stop her until the petitions and news paper articles came out: once they read these charges, they hid evidence, and deny there is any Conflict of Interest. 

Seventh Day Adventist and Evangelical Attitudes towards "New Age" practices and practioners that do not result in accepting Jesus as one's savior demonsize everyone from Jews to Psychics, Intuitive Healers to Hindus, Jungians to Tarot Card Readers, to Mythologists. PGI would be considered a New Age

Pacifica Mission Statement: Everything about Pacifia opposes religious fundamentalism. Executive Administration and Trustees CANNOT be Leaders of Religious Ministries Seeking to Convert Everyone secretly or openly: READ PGI''S MISSION STATEMENT HERE: 

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