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Pacifica Graduate Institute is in crisis. Crisis leads to Transformation.
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Summary, Documents & Correspondence

CEO/PRESIDENT LEONIE Mattison put a cross on her 2030 Strategic Plan. The Board Approved it, with Seventh Day Adventist Dick Osborn, Dr. T. Gordon at the helm, and two other evangelical board members they had just installed, voting. It was reported Mattison doesn't want the alchemical symbol of a winged Snake. To PGI, the snake is a sacred Healing Symbol. To Seventh Day Adventists, it is the sign of the Devil. She replaced it with a Cross. PGI is a secular college that teaches alchemy. This is the essence of the problem: there is a serious Conflict of Interest that the Board continues to deny. Because of this, it is necessary to serve as Whistelblowers, and take this to the public, and state government boards and legal advocates. Numerous firings/forced resignations, including the Chairs of both the Clinical Psychology Department & the Counseling Department & other key personell integral to the functioning of the college and holding the history & traditions of the Institute are equally concerning.
Investigation and Communication Audit Conclusions
I. Conflict of Interest at Executive Admin/Trustee Level is Illegal and unethical
II. A) Dr. Mattison has been using the office of President of Pacifica Graduate Institute promoting her personal Business: she has been promoting, marketing and selling her personal business products and services, blatantly at times and subtly/covertly at others to raise money for her own personal LLC, "The Thread, LLC”: which is alternatively self-described often as a "Christian Ministry" and "Mentoring Program". It is apparent in almost every social media post presentation, podcast,
The Thread, LLC. includes a bundeling of non-academic, scripture-filled books, journals, workbooks, coloring books, etc., which she sells for $250 a piece, all filled almost entirely with calls throughout every page to accept Jesus as one's Savior. She solicits Tax Free donations via her personal fiscal sponsor, the EYC. She promotes people to her Seventh-Day Adventist, Born-again, Evangelical "Jesus as Savior" business subtly/covertly or explictly when on salary at Pacifica as President.
B) Financial Conflict — The Pacifica Soul Promise’s Fiscal Sponser (The Santa Barbara Foundation) donates large sums of money to the Fiscal Sponser Leonie Mattison secured for her for profit business, the LLC/Ministry, right before coming to work at Pacifica: "The Endowment for Youth Committee: (EYC). Their mission is to get and give college-level scholarships to black young adults.
The EYC's mission is to secure full ride scholarships for Black students in Santa Barbara County. As noble a cause as this is, it is not Pacifica's mission. However, Mattision created The Pacifica Soul Promise shortly after coming to Pacifica, persuaded Trustees to back her, has promoted all over Santa Barbara and the Internet, directing much of her focus on this and restructing programs and other vast changes to implement this, has the same mission: to give free ride scholarships to Minorities in Santa Barbara County. She has neglected much and upset most faculty and students with her hyper focus and what feels very unfair to current students. This is a Conflict of interest that she has redirected Pacifia's mission and resources to adopt the same mission as her Fiscal Sponser. It is at worst illegal, at best an appearance of Conflict of Interest. Mattision came to Pacifica with the intent of redirecting Pacifica's mission, values and focus to fulfill her fiscal sponsors mission, and the mission of the evangelical church, and her ministry. (She says on "Day 1, I told you this is what I was going to do" in her 100 day listening tour Town Hall meeting: This is also evident in her obsessive focus on the "Pacifica Soul Promise" and neglect of most of her other responsibilities.
D) Question of Legality with Fiscal Sponser. There are also huge questions about how she secured Fiscal Sponsorship from a Philanthropy organization that does not fund for-profit colleges like Pacifica.
E.) Conflict of Interest: “beholden to outside interests” — The Seventh Day Adventist Church (Click to Read Ministry Handbook) as a Minister, which requires fidelity to them, not Pacifica. This is illegal.
III Proof of Conflict of Interest is in the Social Media Images weaving Pacifia Seals and logos with her books and for-profit LLC, Podcasts weaving Pacifica and her for-profit LLC (which is a Christian Ministry), Speeches and Presentations at PGI and in the wider Community that weave Pacifica material with her LLC.)
IV. Weaving everything Pacifica into her personal business/Christian ministry is misappropriating funds, resources (her time and energy). We suggest Pacifica do an audit of expense accounts, time spent, and oversight of her activities and emails while on the Pacifica clock.
V. This is creating a HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT (which is where one person’s religion has to end: when it creates Hostile Environment, an EEOC legal term)
VI. Proof of HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT is Prima Facie — on the face — already proved by: ALumni Letter, 35 Faculty Letter, Student Letter (100 plus) and Petition: We have at least 300 people complaining about this.
VIII. Recommendations: Immediate termination of the President. Investigate if this happened because she hid her true intentions or if the hiring committee members and Trustees intentionally covered her background up.
IX. Removal from board of anyone with Conflict of Interest. Investigate if the Three Evangelical Activists had disclosed their relationships with Churches. Another Trustee allegedly broke EEOC laws and short changed the Presidential/CEO search process.
IX. Recommendations and changes to Bi-Laws to ensure this abomination of care for the Pacifica mission and students never happens again!

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